Multi Brand or Vendor Merchandising

Opmetrix supports specific features for the management and reporting of multiple brands for brokerage and sales & marketing agencies. Including the ability to separate tasks and automatically track time serviced for each brand that a brokerage company represents.

Field Team Advantage

The field team view can be separated by vendor to ensure the appropriate focus and servicing of each brand.

Tasks by Vendor

Target tasks by vendor, by outlet, by device.

Time by Vendor

Easily allocate and measure time and resource by brand.

Vendor Call Cycles

Store visits can be set by call cycle and include a split allocation of time by brand. This allows on and off cycle weeks to be set up based on promotional activity and key focuses.

Adding new Vendors

Easily insert and set up new vendors into existing call cycles.

Temporary Call Coverage

Opmetrix provides an efficient solution to manage cover rules, such as holidays, planned leave and other absences ensuring no store call is missed.

Vendor Reporting

Create customised reporting decks for each brand, including automated delivery of regular reports for management and brand owners.

Activity reporting

A full suite of reports showcasing all brand activity in all stores.

Brand Representation

Opmetrix provides your brand owners the data to make key decisions.

Key Feature & Benefit

Essential for SMA and Brokerage

Why choose us

Customer Testimonials

One platform to drive field team success with 360-degree client engagement while
supporting sales managers to increase productivity, enhance communication and improve visibility.

"Always committed to making sure we get the most from our Opmetrix solution, great support, nothing is too much trouble and any support queries are resolved very quickly."

Rod Holmes
General Manager

"Opmetrix is  simple to use and very user friendly for the whole team. The support team has  been fantastic in answering and solving any issues we have had in a timely  manner."

Rich Young
Head of Sales

"Opmetrix have been able to support our complex distribution structure by configuring their solution to suit our needs."

Kumaran Sitha
Group Manager

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Opmetrix can help your business